Saturday, February 12, 2011

How to create a group on facebook

Have you just joined Facebook and discovered the wonder that is a personalized group? Follow these easy steps to create your own piece of Facebook reality.

To save everyone time, search the word "Groups" in the search box at the top of the page and click the link that follows, it will take you to a page that has the "Create A Group" Button. 

Wednesday, February 2, 2011

Gtalk Hidden Emoticons ;)

<3 heart
:(|) monkey
\m/ rock out!
:-o shocked
:D grin
:( frown
X-( angry
B-) cool
:’( crying
=D big grin
;) wink
:-| straight face
=) big smile
:-D nose grin
;^) big nose wink
;-) nose wink
:-) nose smile
:-/ skeptical
:P sticking tongue out
        </3      broken heart

5 ways to make ur blog stand first ~

1. Write Better Content

When it boils down to it, you simply cannot have the best blog if you don’t have great content. This is the single most reason why visitors come to your blog in the first place. They don’t care if you have a cool new plugin that spins around in circles if you hover over it, all they care about is the information that you have to provide them. You can worry about showing them fun little toys and trinkets after you provide them with the original and captivating information that they are looking for.

2. Use a Creative & Organized Layout

Another critical aspect to creating a blog that will help yours outrank the rest is the idea of providing your readers with a user friendly, well organized reading experience. You want to keep all of your content laid out in the most convenient and easy to read way possible. Everything should flow nicely together so they aren’t forced to jump all over the place in order to find what they are looking for. Keep it simple, keep it convenient.

3. Don’t Make It Spammy

Have you ever visited a website or blog and got blasted with advertisements the moment you hit the first page? Not fun. Chances are you probably jumped ship the first chance you got right? This is probably what your readers, or ex-readers, are going to do when they visit your blog and see the same type of setup. Do yourself a favor and keep the advertisements to a minimum. Spammy blogs never prosper and neither will you if this is the road you go down.

4. Provide Incentives

Do you feel more invited and welcome when you’re local grocery store offers you discounts or other incentives for being a frequent shopper? It’s kind of nice knowing that somehow, somewhere, you are actually pretty important for someone?s business. That’s exactly how you should make your readers feel. One way you can do so is by providing them with extra incentives for visiting your blog, such asholding a drawing in order to give away something of value. This is one effective tactic that can help your blog stand out from the rest.
5. Add Convenience Features
Providing the highest level of convenience to your readers is another great strategy that you can used to make your blog better than the competition. One way of providing convenience is through the many different feautures  that can be used to help your readers find what they are looking for. Search functionality, guided navigation, archive listings, category breakdowns, and many others can make your blogeasy to use and very handy for your readers.